This is the medium size wave. The sets come constantly every fifteen minutes in sets of three waves. The medium size waves, between sets were awesome too.

The barrels have good shape( Are open and clean ). Some visitors will to come back home with great history about the tubes of Nicaragua. Check it out some of the best barrel today.

This surfer have a Gopro camera with him. If you are looking for a cool video of a barrel. Come here for a week and go get one.

This surfer was inside the barrel for about five to seven second. Probably he is posting this video in facebook already.

Here is going deeper!!!. The door is open, from the beginning to the end.

And!!!!!…. Out……

The right also was good. The offshore wind hit a little more the right, making the takeoff harder. A lot of wipeout!!!!

If you can made a late drop or paddle hard, you probably have one of this perfect nugget.

We have perfect left and Lester know how ride this wave so enjoy the next sequence. He get three good barrels. I post some of the best picture of about seventy good shot.

This is how look the takeoff. This wave is overhead and this is the second wave in the set.

He don’t do the bottom turn complete. Check how is grabbing the raíl in the middle of the wave.

Here he is, in good position just waithing for the barrel.

He thought the wave go to close, because have a long line in front him. But the wind keep open.

Is time to go deep Lester.!!!! Check the next section.

This beach like the low tide when the swell is not too big. The first sand bank is over there, where Lester is on.

Here he is cover for the curtain. He disappear for awhile after this shot.

Here he start coming out after be deep for about ten meters. I can’t believe how deep he was.

With a liitle soon you can see how fun that waves it is. One of the best barrel for Lester this year for sure.

He was enjoying the ride looking the roof of that wave. How cool this is?

Well, nothing is for ever. It is time to go out bro!!!!!.

Josh was watching to Lester all the time, so he have amazing view of this barrel. He probably want one of this one too. Very soon!!!!

The low tide don’t look to atractive when I start walking on the beach. Some minutes after I turn on the camara the waves turn on too. Here is one visitors getting in one pretty wave. He come here for a reasson. He want a barrel, he have the barrel.

Here is another surfer having a barrel. So many perfect barrels in the left and right in the noon.

The are some pro junior surfing here and they ripping in this size of wave. Check it out.

In the critical part of the wave. So good to hit that part with power.

Well, he is just sixty pound. If you are heavy you can throw more water in the air. The next time, is your turn.

Ok. Amigos. The waves are on fire. Tomorrow paddle out and get some barrels. Is not easy, but one of thisone made all you year good. See you tomorrow in the barrel. Armando Lopez is out.

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!