For the first surf shot we have Jonny “El DJ” from Century21 riding on a looking fun right. This guy has been scoring some good waves.

For the next shot we caught Francisco “El Manito” from Peru taking off on a small, but looking nice left. This guy has been here for the last 2 years having good time every single day on the beach. Here he is showing us why he likes to be down here.

Also there were some foreign riders out there taking advantage of the onshore wind, trying to get some of fun waves and putting in practice their skills. Here we have an unknown rider with a smooth but nice front side snap on this left.

This is another unknown surfer taking off one of his many fun looking lefts that he caught it today. This guy was out there trying to get all type of waves and having a really good time.

This is one of the main streets of our town, where many people walk to see the sunset. Also in this street you can find the best bars beachfront to hang out with your friends and drink some cold National beers and have a great time. This all for today, please check back with us tomorrow.

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

As i said yesterday, we don’t have good conditions for today. We still have some size waves coming trough but the wind is on it. The Huracan Felix is in the Caribean Cost right now and is destroying the whole cost. Check out this shot from Maderas.