Here is the principal peak with the usually big wall with that nice corner ready to have a sick barrel. The waves are overhead again!!!!!.

The right keep breaking strong with that thick lip. Some of the surfers overthere were going deep in some pipe.

Lester wasn’t surfing in this time, so some visitors were taking care about this left. This surfer here is grabbing the rail to be in good position to the barrel..

The sand bank down this left is shallow so the suction of the water is making nice open barrels. The offshore with actually is helping the waves too.

The left work really good again. Yesterday was a little better, but we have all the tide coming up to see how much will improve.

The end of this left is awesome. I always can’t believe how good it is this beach. Every day surprise me.

My buddy brodie Walker catch this pretty wave. Check the shape of this peak. Looks like pipeline.

I did some effect to the facebook style to him. Check the sick trick of Brodie Walker.

His bottom turns say something. A sick trick is coming.

HAAAHUUUUUAAAHHH man. Clase corte!!!!.

There are barrels everywhere. Some dirty and some clean. What do you prefer?

We have about three small swell direction coming right now. With a short period this waves are small and powerful. Check the foam of that wave.

Here is Kevin. He is dragging the two hands looking for the shack.

Ok. Amigos. This weeken will be super good for the surf in Nicaragua. Check the surf report to see the best surfers in the best waves. We will cover all the action. See you tomorrow. Armando Lopez is out.

Hey amigos! Welcome to Friday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The swell continued to fade today, but there were still some decent waves if you knew where to look.

Hola amigos, this is Lucha Libre Garcia with your Thursday surf report. The new swell is starting to show up and the waves were super fun. Solid head high waves on the bigger sets,nice offshore winds and great water. Check it out!!!