We are going to start with this cool and interesting shot of Carlito“Caliente”racing down the line on this little left. Carl hasn’t been surfing for the last few days and today he decided to take out the trusty longboard to make sure that he was getting his share.

Today we went to check out another menber of NSR crew Danilo”El Cambute” catching up on some work while the wind is onshore. As you can see he has plenty of it. Everyone’s itching to get their boards ready for the next swell. If you are down here and your board gets a ding or two, let him know and he will hook you up.

This is “Pancho Sanchez putting on a layer of clear coat over his most recent work of art that he has acquired from Erick. Is this not one of coolest looking paint jobs of a Tuna you’ve ever seen? We are hoping the wind is going to switch back offshore in the next day or two. Please check back with us tomorrow.

Hello and Happy Sunday to all our viewers. @tonyzphotos back on the report after snowbirding in Panama. We have some sunshine and fun surf in the water today. Dive in for a look.

Welcome to the surf report for today. Finally we get some swell out there, so It’s head high on sets sometimes overhead and the wind is offshore. It’s no that big but we are getting good shapes. Check this out, going left and going right at Machete Pt.

The swell came up a bit overnight. We’ve got a some fun overhead sets coming in with offshore winds (again). We took these pics early in the morning and it seems that we are in the middle of the southerly dragonfly migration (you know winter is coming when these guys head south). So the black..