The water had this light blue greenish color that made you all smiley and warm inside… although it could have been just the excitment of having good waves.
The waves were fast but had a great shape… this guy managed the late drop just in time to hit the accelerator.
Just like yesterday, the rights were working really good again, long, steep walls with hollow sections every so often.
Another late drop, this time going right with a hint of green.
Even though the lefts had shorter rides and were not so clean, once in a while a beauty appeared.
This guy was a wave-catching machine, he was non-stop, going for almost every wave that came by him.
This other surfer was all by himself near the reef, catching smaller waves (the bigger ones were breaking more towards the center of the beach).
But even it they were smaller, he knew exactly how to handle the conditions.
By mid afternoon the conditions changed a little bit, a weird light sideshore showed up making the surf a little choppy.
But even with the slightly wind change, the waves hold their shape very well.
This guy was hitting the lip with power, he’s almost upside down on this one!
Looks like tomorrow the conditions will be around the same as today, I might go check out some other spots tomorrow, but without a camera, sorry. HAve a great weekend!
Hey amigos! Welcome to Tuesday’s surf report from Panga Drops. This lady either ended up a bit later than anticipated or misunderstood what it means to get barreled haha! I’ve got to give her credit for looking at this wave though. You don’t know if you don’t go (or at least look at going).
Hello everyone! After a most needed vacation in Texas (yes, we the NSR team, sometimes need a vacation too; and no, hurricane Harvey didn’t screwed my trip (almost though!), I’m back on time for Thursday’s surf report at Santana beach.