Nicaragua Surf Report for Thursday, September 14, 2006

We've got Pancho here, checking in with some firing surf up in the "Zone" - Roberto is going to be checking in a bit later. It's solid overhead on sets and the wind is light offshore up here. We pulled a session to ourselves this morning...not to bad with these kind of conditions. Check it out...

Mr. Brown is in town getting down - all he does is get barreled folks. Check this sequence: Shot 1

Mr. Brown, Shot 2. Days like today are great...all kinds of spots light up along the coast. Mr. Brown tends to lean towards the ones that barrel...

Mr. Brown, Shot 3. Hot Carl, where are you?

Mr. Brown, Shot 4...and this was the last we ever saw of him (on this wave that is - he was getting piped all day long) Good stuff - I'm sticking that second shot on my screensaver!

In a brief regression from todays surfing activities, we stopped by our project: Vista San Martin (www.vistasanmartin.com) It's a little surf oriented community that we've been doing for the last year or so. This is the view from one of the 11 newly released lots. Hit us up at [email protected] if anybody is interested in a fully serviced lot (includes water and power) with sunset views, a sick beach break a short walk out front and tons of other spots within a short drive. Now, back to today's surf...

Hi, this is Roberto with the surf report for today. It's solid over head out here at Maderas and double over head on sets. So, It's kind of closing out and the wind is offshore. We get some goods set waves but there were just 4 guys out there. Check out Machete pt going off.

Here is Waylan Dangla. This is the junior with the biggest b...s in town. He was one of the 4 guys out there and he is just 14 years old.

Today we are celebrating our independence. So everybody go out to enjoy with rythmical bands.

Check out the wipe out of the day. This guy went out of the water after this wipe out because he hit his back with the bottom.

Here is Danny MANCHICHE dropping in to a close out wave. He's been surfing for a year and he was charging today.

Do you think she has any idea about who am I? I don't think so.

Here is Alberto cutting back. This guy likes to surf but he gotta work so hard to support his family.

Waylan Dangla going big on a set wave. He told me this words: I WANNA SURF OUTER REEF ASAP.

More waves on tap for tomorrow, so stay tuned with us.