Before we gets to today’s surf report we would like to share a couple of nice shots of the NSR Staff, people who is behind and make your dream of having the best vacation ever possible. Only missing Lucha Libre on this shot, because he’s behind the camera as always.

NSR made a raffle among all the employees. We all were super stoked to take something back home.

El Codo Lopez got a nice abanico and a body board. Good for you Codito!

Back at the beach, the waves were kinda fun. Here is caught this boy nabbing a nice little nugget.

Don Simon de la Yuca en Salsa had the day off and he went out to get some surf. Cool turn on his frontside.

Marcos made it out and he was able to ride some decent ones. Looking for the best section to hit.

We were really impressed to see this girl shredding out there. Working on her backside.

Hoping to get better conditions tomorrow so stay tuned with us!

During this surf season many of our guests and friends have participated with NSR in collecting school supplies for the local Santa Martha school. We made a delivery to the brand new school house which now has three classrooms and a staff room and is in its new location close to the main entrance to Hacienda Iguana. The teachers and students were stoked! A big shout out to all those who set aside room in their luggage.

Hello and Happy Sunday to all our viewers. @tonyzphotos back on the report after snowbirding in Panama. We have some sunshine and fun surf in the water today. Dive in for a look.

Que pasa muchachos? This is Lucha Libre Garcia with your Tuesday surf report. The conditions were better today and we took advantage on that. Head high waves on the bigger sets, the wind was switching back and forth all morning and the water was super clear and warm. Check it out!!!