In spite the not so favorable conditions, the waves had a great shape going both ways, with some bombs surprising everyone every so often.

Of course, Jackson cannot miss these conditions to practice his late drops on a big one.

Followed by a big, perfectly executed bottom turn that put him back at face of the wave.

To smack the lip with all the power gained after the bottom turn.

Erin was doing the same combo: late drop to bottom turn to big splashes, this girl is unstoppable!

Joji and his brother Koji have been putting a lot of hours no matter the conditions, and you can tell their improvement.

Check out Koji finishing this wave with a nice mini- layback turn… great style!

The sun started to set and the gold colors highlighted every turn and every spray.

Also the wind died down a little bit more, looking almost glassy at some moments and in some waves.

Here is Mateo paint brushing the blue background with blond sprays.

According to the forecast, we’ll have these same conditions for a few more days… it should rain at least!

It was sunny and cloudy all together today, which created just another beautiful sunset sky. Have a great weekend everyone!

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Hello surfers from around the world! Here at NSR we hope you are having a great Hump Day, just like us.