I checked the surf late morning and there wasn’t a person in the water, I had to return a few hours later to find some takers.

The waves were super fun and rippable as you can see.

As we approach October (peak rainy season) the weather can be a bit tricky, but crowds are gone and empty surf.

This guy was catching non stop waves. you can see costa rica in the background. Visibility is great after the rains.

It was nice lined up walls at the mid tide.

Turns or tubers, take your pick. Looks like more of this tomorrow. Check back and see.

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Welcome Sunday and weekend surf friends and family! If you happened to chime in and see Mr. Chris’s surf report, you saw that yesterday was completely on fire and super EPIC! Today, well, as you can see there’s still some really good swell in the water, but those pesky onshore winds have returned once again…