Early morning seemed to have the best shape, Buzz locking into a nice AM left.

Isaac leaning into a nice clean looking right hander.

I swam back out mid to late morning, conditions deteriorated a bit, But there still were some moments.

Steep and deep.

Or you could cannonball over the ledge and for the glory.

Here you can see the wind started to come a little sideways. The water was crystal clear.

One more for the road!! The evening appeared to have some fresh energy, let’s keep the fingers crossed for a nice morning session.

Hello Monday, The surf dropped off in a bit today, That’s ok for the reef break up the beach. @tonyzphotos bringing you todays action.

Happy 1st of a new month, the infamous and notoriously super rainy month of October! Buy wait….. If todays the 1st day and this month continues to look like it was today….. we could be in for a glorious October, thus making up for all of the other months with onshore winds and crazy rainy..