The “Z” man, was one of the first people out this morning, he was about to set up and start taking photos, until he saw what was happening out in the water. Can’t fight the addiction to surf, Tony getting his fix with style…yew!!

Lesther, didn’t waste any time either, he was out there right behind Tony and giving him pointers..haha. Hiding under the lip on this sick right!

There weren’t many lefts coming in but the ones that did were grinding, and fast! Gotta be quick to your feet if you want to find yourself in the green room on these. This guy was a little on the slow side this morning…look out below!

Did I mention the rights were going off ?!? Lesther doing it textbook style, standing tall on one of the best ones of the morning. I gotta get in the water!

Couldn’t take any more of the torture, watching these perfect waves coming in with no one around! So I paddled out and got lucky with this nugget!

All I could think about was how perfect this wave was setting up..

I probably could’ve took off a little deeper, but I wasn’t taking any chances, this thing was a freight train!

Now I’m in the pocket , with the foamball right behind me, everything was downhill from here.

Just a little touch of the breaks to slow this train down so I could get some shade.

I could see the curtain about to drop….almost there!

There we go!…It ended up getting really tight in there, I crouched down as low as I get.

Yew!!! I could see Tony on the other end hooting, I was super stoked! Such a good feeling making through a nice barrel…you know what I mean ?

In and out…yew! Another day in paradise! Looks like the waves should be good the rest of the week, so if you’re in Nicaragua, go surf! Because who knows, the rains could come any day! That’s it folks, hasta manana!

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

We went first light to the beach and found some small but super fun waves rolling in. We have to say that the lineup was full of local kids and a few international surfers here and there. Check it out!!!