The waves were messy in the morning, but the low tide was a little bit better. Some surfers were watching the waves and going to surf, check what happen in the line up.

The ocean was flat for moments, but the sets brings some waves like this one. Actually this size don’t looks bad at all in a onshore day.

This right was one of the best wave working today. This surfer looks big, but the water looks rude too.

Lester Hasselhoff just get out of his Jet Ski and start taking photos. This local is a pure beach boy.

We are not used to surf onshore wind, but some surfers they are used. Here this man show how looks a good spray in this waves conditions.

Carlitos Perez was making one of his favorite trick. Here he is finishing a wave but, he need to be care full to don’t pass on another surfer.

Here is one of the sick turn of the morning. The surfers in the line up we’re taking advantage of every good waves in the beach.

In the very north peak was this surfer making some cuts. Check his style.

Buuaaaaaa!!!! This One is better,,,..I think this surfers are using fun shaped boards and this is making the difference.

We are promoting some activities to do if the onshore wind make you feel boring. Here are a couple running to put the machine properly calibrated.

Well, we hope to see this again… The offshore wind probably will come back Saturday. So be patient and check the surf report, we are surfing in the morning and resting in the afternoon. Armando Lopez is out.

Hey amigos! Josh back behind the lens for the next few days. Welcome to Wednesday’s surf report from Panga Drops. It was windier than called for today, but there were still a few decent. waves.

Welcome ladies and gents to the surf report with Parker! The SSW swell is starting to show and we are ready. To help brighten your work day, check out our shots!