The good thing about about being a grom…. almost every day could potentially be overhead – no matter the conditions.
Peter and Ziggy. It’s really a dogs life here.
Sometimes its all about timing the big sets.
Whewwwwwww, perfect timing!!
Talking about a dogs life… I think the tongue says it all.
I have yet to meet this cool stylish soul surfer,
but for now, I think I’ll call him “Encino Man” for now.
Ripping what little wind swell we have to pieces.
Koji coming in from doing his best to have a good time in these unfavorable conditions… looking back just in time….
Just in time to see his little bro Yoji ripping a nice big turn like this!
Encino Man throwing down the sickest maneuver of the day!
Hey everyone! Welcome to Friday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The conditions were very similar to yesterday, possibly a little bigger on the sets.
Howdy people and Welcome to the Tuesday surf report! (spoiler alert) The waves are back and the weather today was absolutely beautiful. Its been a long week and so many people have been busting their hump helping out in ways like I’ve never seen in person. So you know how the saying goes… work hard..