Oliveralmoststealthis wave.

Alwayswith respect.

Only someone whoknowssurfcouldget awaylike that.

It could have beena doubleromp.

Watchthis sequence.

Charging the bets wave of today.

Itgets better.

overheadandas a pump.

What is itthat has beenformingbehind.

That’sa doublewave.

Hoo hooo.I thinkyou’re in trouble.

I’mSurehis clotheswell washed.

He went into thewaterfall.

Surprisingly Mr. “David Smith” came out.

At low tidelocalonlydaredsurf.

OliverSolisdrank3 REDBULLhit his head2 timesandsurfingasit has always been. the # 1.

The”Monito”wanted to recoverthelastwave.Thatcould notsteal.

It did not hurtthathasa turtle shellon his back.

Notable tostop eatingso stillnotregainedbalance.Wait a minute.

The fatkeeps trying.

If youwill surflike menot to putthebreak.

I hopeyou learnfornext time.


Many people saidthat the wavesclosedbut it’s reallyonlyknow how to choose waves.

kevin score a good one.

Rightswere onfire.

Hello Tuesday and thanks for tuning back in for daily surf report. We had a slightly smaller but still a lot of fun surf today. @tonyzphotos bringing you the goods.

Hola amigos! Brian here, bringing you the report here on another beautiful day in October. Well the surf is smaller but still super fun, waist to chest high and a few plus peaks, and steady offshore winds. What more could you ask for ?!? Usually this time of year is pouring rain and onshore winds..

Waves were firing today, THAT”S WHAT WE WOULD LOVE TO SAY but it wasn’t like that. A huge tropical storm it is hitting Guatemala right now and that’s making us lots of rain down here. We just had the longest rain of the year so far, more than 21 hours straight of rain made lots..

Don’t get excited, this photo is NOT from Nicaragua. Pancho here again, reporting back from Indo. We just finished a killer boat trip to the Telos and Ments and we scored some sick ones. After getting skunked for the first two weeks, the last week turned on and gave up the goods. It’s been a..