Hi everybody, thank you for joining us for the Monday surf report. Unfortunately the wind turned ONSHORE today and we are expecting the same conditions for the next few days, the waves were running around waist to chest high on sets, and the water was murky. Check it out.

Today hardly anyone paddled out, but our good friend Roberto “Lucha Libre” decided to practice his surfing skills. We got this photo of him ripping it up. He told us that he going to win the next national surf championship.

We also wanted to show you this seasons Tee shirt line, so if you are in Nicaragua and would like one for yourself or you would like to take some home for your family and friends as gifts, please be sure to get in touch with us and we will hook you up.

Here is a shot of one our team riders showing off his entire trophy collection. He is one of the most successful surfers in the country with nine National Tittles and two International Titles. If you have ever been here to San Juan del Sur or checked out our site we are sure that you have seen him busting huge airs. His name is Luis “La Baloy” Chamorro and we are proud to have him as a representative of NSR.

For the last shot of the day we wanted to share a shot from the archives of our founder “Pancho Sanchez” throwing everyone the “Shaka”. We here at NSR have decided that for the remainder of this month we will start posting one shot a day from this seasons archive. These are shots that we have not posted before. We want to remind everyone out there how good the waves can get here in Nicaragua. We hope you enjoy what you see. Please check back with us tomorrow and we shall see what Mother Nature has in store for us.

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.