There are three peaks working with barrels. There are five people in the water in the morning. They are enjoying the vacations without crowd.

Some of them got nice waves. This surfer is from Brazil. Later I was in the water with him and he was so stoked with this wave.

After a difficult drop, he look for a tube but he was so fast after the drop. He have a good experience surfing this morning.

Here he is using the brakes, but just a little. He is feeling the glassing of the wave with his fingers.

He saw the lip of the wave passing over his head and he take off the brakes. In this moment the green of the water was making shine his eyes.

This is the start. The next time in a wave with barrel, he will remember this wave and he will be deeper.

And the sets keep coming overhead. Beautiful lines in the morning. Just two photographer have the photo of this pretty wave.

The people in the line up probably had scared to see this set. All the three peak have a “A frame” and have barrels rolling in bothway.

And empty waves were rolling all morning. I was dying for go to surf, looking this empty waves.

The five surfers in the water were in the south peak surfing the left. The high and low tide have so many waves arriving to the beach..

Well. With all the rain of last night the river put water in the ocean making the water look like chocolate.

The locals wait for the low tide for open barrels. Here is Lester( Again ). Inside the coffee milk.

And he is in the barrel!!!!!. He is a pipemaster in this wave. Is like Jamie O’brien in Pipeline.

The waves are soft during the high tide, but in the low tide were punching hard.

He was deep for a while. I know Lester, so I know he keep over there.

This is a dirty, but really clean barrel. You understand me.

I have like twelve shots of him losing in the pipe. I saw him taking two of this pretty left.

YEAH! Buddy!!!!. What number of barrel is this one? #### five thousand????

This surfer is here with a group of friends for almost a week and every day they have around seven surf session. Awesome!!!!!.

I am the coatch of Elvin( El Chocoyo ) and this little man is pushing his surf level constantly. After the last surf contest of the National circuit, who was definite for airs 360*. I tell him. Made airs!!!!. And he is going crazy. This is a vercion of a superman with a 360*. Could be cool if you landing this trick, brooo!!!.

He is one of the best surfers making sick cuts. Here is Alvin with his inconfundible style.

Lester try a high air!!!!!. The next year the team of NSR will made scramble to the others teams.

The water is clean two hundred meters back, so imagine the color of this wave isn’t the dirty water. The water with brown color made the barrels looks sick!!!!!.

Like this one here. This three foot wave is heavy and noisy.Tomorrow probably the onshore wind come in the afternoon, so see you in the water in the morning. Armando Lopez is out.

Hey amigos! Josh back behind the lens for the next few days. Welcome to Wednesday’s surf report from Panga Drops. It was windier than called for today, but there were still a few decent. waves.

Theo again with your Tuesday wind-slop report. Unfortunately mother nature decided to bless us with onshore winds today. I waited all morning for someone to go out, but no takers so far. We get pretty spoiled here with perfect conditions almost every day, can’t win ’em all though.