The waves were very mushy, running about chest to shoulder high on sets. Here we have this unknown rider taking one of the better set waves of the day.

There were a few waves to ride out there but it was really hard to catch them. This is Mitch from Fl trying to make it around this section to ride this one as long as he can.

A couple guys decided to stay out of the water and warm up with some run. Salud amigos!!!

We had some chicks trying to learn how to surf in the inside. This is Mariel from Canada riding a mushy one.

Today the Nicaraguan Surfing Team headed out to Salvador to participate in the 4th Central American Surf Contest where 5 different countries will to try to win this tournament. This year the nica team is structured for the following surfers:Junior Category: Pedro Florez, Joel Chavez and Rex Calderon defending his title from the last contest in Panama.Open: Augusto Chamorro, Mario Martinez, Rex Calderon and Luis Chamorro who made it into the semifinals in the last Central American Contest.Longboard: Jose Hernandez and Eduardo Pomares.Bogie board: Eduardo Pomares.Best of luck for all these guys in the contest. Here we have this shot from the last contest, after Rex won his last heat in the final round.

Hey amigos! Josh back behind the lens for the next few days. Welcome to Wednesday’s surf report from Panga Drops. It was windier than called for today, but there were still a few decent. waves.

The surf doesn’t get this good very often in October because we have a lot of storm patterns usually during this month. Today was one of the best days we have had in a while. D-Lite is caught here watching this barreling right with no takers right before we paddled out.

Today the wind die down a bit and we made it out to Maderas. The locals were having fun by themself for almost a hour because later on the wind came on again. It’s head high on sets and we finally saw the sun after more tham a week raining, check it out.

OK, Pancho here with the Sunday Surf Report. Today we’ve got macking swell in the water – it’s 6′ at 16 seconds and there are lines of swell stacked out to the horizon. Unfortunately, we’re being dogged by the same storm and onshore winds that have been working us for the past week or so…