Unfortunately, Hot Carl didn’t make that one…check out what he missed. Did I mention it was FIRING today?

Here is Aussie ripper #1 with a nice off the top sequence in front of the camera. Shot 1.

Shot 2

And just to show he landed it, Shot 4.

We’ve got an election coming up in another week or so and everybody is waiting in suspense. Surfing is the best thing to cure the anxiety of an uncertain future in paradise. This is Popoyo “Boy Band” Jeff, feeling pretty relaxed.

They all weren’t fun and playful out there today. Here’s the Aussie again, going for broke in front of the camera.

ay mate, I don’t reckon you’re goin to make this one. The NSR House is already getting booked up for next year so if you’re thinking of coming down and staying here, you should make your plans soon! Roberto is up next with the report from Maderas.

This is Roberto reporting from Maderas. Hey Pancho I’m so glad you are enjoying your trip at North. We also had pumping swell out here and all the locals guys were out commanding the show. It’s solid over head on sets, sometimes we get some double overhead and the wind is blowing offshore. Here is Kambute at Machete pt.

Oliver El Monito Solis was out of control today. He was ripping, flying and getting some barrels too.

This is Harley from Pavones,CR. Taking the sandy wave.

Ahh, we had a good day. Here is the proof.

Here is Gerardo El Mope Miranda with a nice spray. All of them were surfing and relaxing for the next election.

Here is Codo going left at Machete pt. That’s a nice size wave buddy.

Here is Oliver again with a big bottom turn. That guy was charging everything coming trought.

Here is Ashley with a cool shot. Hey, Where is El Peluchito?

Oliver one more time, getting into a black and white shack.

Luis La Baloy Chamorro was surfing until the sun set. He had a fun session today.

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Today was one of the most beautiful days ever in Nicaragua – not too hot, a slight offshore breeze and perfect blue skies. The only thing we were missing were waves, which after a month of bad weather, were nonexistent on this marvelous day. Nevertheless, it was a beach day and people were taking advantage.