Nicaragua Surf Report for Friday, October 27, 2023

Josh S

Hola everyone! I hope you’re having a great Friday. Today’s report is coming your way from the beginner, or “lesson”, zone of the beach. I was pessimistic on my prospects for the surf report today, however my fortune changed for the better. While doing my daily run I lucked out with one little girl getting some waves in a lesson up the beach. 

Josh S

Does this count as a barrel? Haha…

Josh S

As a surf instructor, I can tell you that I am always on the look out for micro-green waves for my students. Unfortunately this one ended up being a mirage. However, the girl was so light that she cruised with the unbroken ripple for a good distance.

Josh S

I kept shifting my attention toward another mysto-peak adjacent to Panga Drops in the hopes that I’d see a few good waves come through. It was mostly closeouts, but this wave probably would’ve barreled if the wind had been offshore. Peep Costa Rica in the background too :)

Josh S

The girl’s family were cheering her on from the shoreline as she caught wave after wave. The white-waves were pretty gutless in the higher part of the tide while I was shooting, so it worked out well for this girl’s size as opposed to adults. An adult out there today would’ve needed to keep a high amount of pressure over their front foot to keep speed.

Josh S

We were/are supposed to have some sort of storm system today through Monday or Tuesday, but we’ve been fortunate that there has been little rain and the electricity is still flowing!

Josh S

The little girl did better on this wave. Specifically, she kept her vision up and forward as opposed to looking down toward the nose of her board.

Josh S

Some cool whitewater powder getting blown up at the tip of Los Perros.

Josh S

TO THE SAND! Haha… I hope the Rancho crew have a solid coin-screw fin system for their foamies, as this girl was taking her waves to value town :)

Josh S

Here's a quick shoutout to Nica Heartbeat (Pharmacy and clinic in Iguana) and Iguana Beach Patrol. They are a great asset to the community and even more so for visitors here. Having a clinic in Iguana is beneficial for emergency surf injuries and just this past month I saw the lifeguards helping multiple people out of rip currents.

Josh S

It's Breast Cancer Awareness month so I'll default to Occam's Razor as this being simplest and hence most likely explanation for the pink color of their t-shirts. Cancer sucks :(

Josh S

Ahhhh, we live in a beautiful place. Even though I didn’t surf today I was stoked the weather was clear, but not too hot during this morning run. We've got more onshore conditions on deck for tomorrow, but hopefully a couple of brave souls get out there for some waves :) Have a good Friday viewers and I’ll see you tomorrow.