There were a few fun corners out there to be had.

Olga and Uli (both hard working mommies) took the day off to enjoy themselves some Vitamin D!

The lineup has pretty much dwindled down to only a few people out surfing at a time. This amigo was surfing like this was an all you can eat buffet.

Sadly, today is Hotstick’s last full day here. He’s heading out super early in the AM – to begin the next leg of his Epic journey. All I can say is, Hermano, it’s been a super fun run buddy and I know you’ll be killing it on the slopes come winter. Most importantly, enjoy yourself, keep sending us pics of your shenanigans from the Mile High Club and we all look forward to seeing you when you come back next April!!

Back to the AYCEB (all you can eat buffet) this guy is going for round two! Hope he leaves some room for desert?

A lot of the local kids really like to surf in the mediodía hora. I think usually because (when this place is a bit more crowded) they’ve come accustomed to surfing at the lunch hour because most pale skinned riders cannot bear the midday sun, because it’s so strong.

Parker is always my Go-To human indicator for wave size of the day. That being said, there were a few overhead today.

and for this grom, some waves were in the waist to chest high range.

Fun little rippable waves as we fly into November here very soon.

Parkers last dance (on the ocean that is). Soon all that white he’ll be throwing will be the snow coming off his snowboard as he shreds down the big mountains of the rockies.

Even though the winds were favoring the onshore side, we had little moments of slight glassiness at times.

I’ll also favor the big blowout bash at the end over the flying dolphin kick-out, but then again I take photos and the first option alway looks more radical! (IMHO)

Extra style points in the cutback department, looks like there was room for round three – desert!!

These ladies saw the lack of people out there and that guys last cutback, so they grabbed their SB’s and made a b-line for the lineup.

Josh is always working on his surfing game. Surfing is an ambiguous word when there are so many areas, but thats just it, he works on all the elements. All day, every day.

Same thing with his younger brother John. If you saw where their surfing level is at now compared to when they first moved here… well, lets just say… this place does wonders for your improvement game. I think it has to do with the gallo pinto or something??

I’m sure this guy is thinking to himself, man if I could surf these waves all year round.

Uhhhh oh… I smell some trouble. Parker creeping up on poor unsuspecting Fernando…

Haha – Yahh we saw that one coming…! I still liked Parkers reaction when Fernando said, “Dude, my phone was in my pocket”. Parker says without missing a beat replied.. “dude, you don’t have a phone”.

Well, we’re certainly gonna miss the shenanigans and having you around P-MAN!!! (P – is for “prankster”).

How was your fabulous Sunday Fun-day? If you want to make this your “Every Day Fun Day” hang out spot, hit us up at this link here :www.surfnsr.com/nicaragua-vacation-rentals/133894to book this epic, right on the beach surf location. Toña’s and Piña Coladas are optional.

!Saludos al hombre Parker y el día de diversión del Domingo!

That’s a wrap with nothing but sunny blue skys and palm trees on the beach for today! Thanks for stopping by for the surf report. We had a blast and hope you did too! Enjoy the week ahead and we’ll be seeing you again real soon…!! Hasta Pronto ~

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Welcome to the surf report primos mis amigos!!!. We have a little more of energy in the ocean today. Here is one of our point break, breaking far away with a nice ramp to made some tricks. Check what happen today in the beach.