Here’s Billy trying to slow down for the tube. the waves looked pretty fast and they were packing a punch.

Here’s an example of the quickness of the surf. Ruti spotted a lobster before taking off.

Billy again, He took off late, but wasn’t able to keep the board under his feet on this one.

Here’s a foamy sand sucker.

They’re were also a few waves hitting the point. Plenty swell running, not many surfers at the moment. forecast looks fun for tomorrow.

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Howdy everyone and Happy Sunday Fun-day!! Today we had beautiful sunny blue sky’s mixed in with a little bit of some fun wind swell. Throw in a piña colada or two and a Toña and it was safe to say… today was a good Sunday Fun-day!