Wow!!!!. The low tide have really fun waves. Not too big but check the shape of this right.

A couple of the best surfer from Jiquiliste beach come here to have a friendly surf session with our locals. The idea is pushing and show the surf level of the both place.

Believe me, when the locals see the visitors ( Darwing Jacamo and Elyin Gusman El Pro ). The locals were going big. Here is Oscar, showing the claws.

When the tide was almost complete low the waves were better. Some sick tubes were rolling. How many people want a piece of this cake?

One of the best surfer in this beach Carlos Perez was doing what he can do more in his life. Barrels……

And the other best surfer in this beach Lester Espinosa was making noise. Here he is teaching everybody how to ride a wave in this beach break.

The locals were surfing better than normally after to see to Darwin and Elyin make some sick tricks and made a lot of combinations of tricks. This is part of the high level of surf in Nica.

Here is darwin dropping one nice right looking for a barrel. In his beach they have barrels but not strong like ours barrels.

He went for long time in this little nugget. Check some of the twenty six photos in his sequence in this wave.

The all way this wave have green and brown water mixing with a tick lip in the wave. Even the small waves in the low tide are powerful.

Here is twenty meters later passing for the white water. The wind was soft , so the sound of this wave was strong.

The waves were making us wait. People is boring to sit down for awhile, but check the overhead waves when all the waves come in group of ten to twenty waves and disappear again.

Lester is like a airplane. He spend a lot of the time of his life in the air.

Carlitos and the locals were ripping. All morning was a show of surf.

Even the oldest surfer of Santa Marta zone was charging some waves. He is surfing only two years and he get some green room already.

Darwin is a good competitor and he have a lot of Aces down his sleeve. Plus he can surf for four and hours straight.

Here is Darwin making rotation in the air with a perfect landing. We will have a Central America surf contest soon so this surfer want to made sure put his name in the list of the Nica team.

No hands grabbing the board and complete stand up. Here is high score in a surf contest bro.

Yeah !!!!! buddyyyyyy!!!!. Darwin is one of the oldes surfer from Nicaragua and I remenber him in the final and in the podium soo many times. Now he is a legend in the history of the surf competitions of nicaragua for give a hard time to all the partisipant. Never is easy to past a heat when Darwin is in you heat.

El Pro is another giant in the competitions. He is part of the Rancho Santana surf team for almost four years consecutive because he is of the top ten in this area.

Here is “El Pro” close to the wall to be save and don’t be touched for the tick lip of this wave. He was going deep in many barrel today.

Carlos always impress with his heavy waves. He charge everything to come in front him.

My people. This guys were killing the waves today. Small or big waves these surfers are like a gladiators.

Nicaragua is passing to a new chapter in the surf competition. The next years your will see to all this surfer making airs, ripping and barrel with perfect executions. A lot of perfect ten.

Ok. Mis amigos. The swell will be good the next two weeks, so check the surf report. The last ten days the surf was good during the sunset time. We are in expectation for have another good afternoon session, so we see you in the water. Armando Lopez is out.

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Good afternoon everybody, Armando Lopez is back again with the daily report. I had ten days of vacation with good waves and many besitos : ). This year we have the best October in years, with only thirteen days of onshore wind. Nice condition with perfect waves. Check it out.

What’s up amigos? Welcome to your daily surf report with Lucha Libre. The waves were super fun today, running about chest to head high on the bigger sets, winds were nice offshore and the water was great. Check out the lineup!

Hola amigos, another day with super small waves down here in Nicaragua, but we are not complaining because at least we have a beautiful day and there are some other things we can do meanwhile mother nature send us some swell. Check it out! It was defenitely a good to take the big boards out..