Nicaragua Surf Report for Sunday, November 05, 2023

Josh S

Howdy everyone! Sunday surf report coming your way from Colorados. The tide was drained and the faces were bumpy, but there were still some fun corners to be had.

Josh S

Carlos Caliente was out cruising across some nice little peelers. I’m pretty sure he was riding a swallow tail here, which gave him some extra speed to work with on the smaller waves.

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This taller gentleman did well to manage his larger frame in a precise manner on the tighter wave faces. He put his speed to work on this right with a strong roundhouse cutback.

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This surfer used the nonexistent wind and punchy low-tide conditions to project up and away. There’s just something so fun about rotating through a backside air-reverse. The landing is the tricky part though XD

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Our tall surfer from earlier killed two birds with one stone here! Stretching and surfing at the same time! Stretching those hamstrings and lower back by touching his toes.

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Mr. Grey Board from prior reports was out again, but without his grey board today. His new board looks wider and floatier, which helped him acquire maximum speed enabling him to chuck buckets.

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Carl made an interesting move here (or the lip simply hit his trailing hand on accident). It looks like he’s trying to push the lip behind him for even more speed haha. I bet he would’ve got a nice barrel here if the wave was only two feet larger!

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The chica rippah from prior reports was also out again today honing her frontside top turns.

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Tag the coping!

Josh S

Grant Gramaglia paddled out for a few quick waves this afternoon as well. Usually people say it’s not so stylish to have your hands far away from your body while surfing, but I like Grant’s loose-relaxed posture during this end section smack.

Josh S

Grant up again, this time setting up for a strong backside roundhouse. It’s unusual to see so many surfers opting for roundhouses at Colorados, as the wave is usually too fast for these drawn out maneuvers.

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Another skateboard-like ollie from our early shown aerialist. He was definitely the most creative and spicy of today’s surfers. Push it to the limits!

Josh S

This little fella get’s the honor of today’s closing shot! Nicely done little dude. His parents were so stoked to see him get up, and shuffle into a pretty good stance as well. I think the meat of the swell from the tropical system has passed behind us, so I expect to see gentler conditions in the coming days. The legendary Tony Z returns to the report tomorrow, so be sure to check in for his return report!