Pancho has been practicing his sweeping skills and today was the perfect day for it. Here he is trimming down the line on a fun little left.

We had some local rippers out today too. Whenever the wind is onshore, we get a ridable wave here in the Bay. It’s not great, but it’s something to surf. It’s a hit with most of the local surfers who don’t have to find a ride to the beach.

Weekends are always fun in SJDS. Everybody is off of work and we get a lot of visitors from Managua and other parts of Nicaragua. The street vendors know this and come out in force. These guys have been here for a while and seem to be multiplying.

The weather is great this time of year and it’s the perfect time to grab your girl and your board and take a stroll down the beach. The couple that surfs together, stays together!

It seems that Zacateca, international purveyor of skim, has made an impact on Nicaragua. Skimboarding is officially here!

Even though the beach was going off this afternoon, you can still find your “quiet place” and be alone with your thoughts. If you listen closely, you can hear the OOOOHHHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM…

Rex was out there tearing it up as usual. He can make even the smallest, sloppiest wave look fun. Here is is busting another one of those rolly, flippy, thingys.

We haven’t had a picture of little Safari on in a while. It’s hard to believe she’s 13 months old already. Here she is looking as cute as ever for the camera.New swell and better winds are in the forecast for this week so check back with us!

Hello and Happy Sunday to all our viewers. @tonyzphotos back on the report after snowbirding in Panama. We have some sunshine and fun surf in the water today. Dive in for a look.

D-Litaicito decided to paddle out and catch a couple of waves before dark. He was stoked because there were only three other people in the lineup. That is the way he likes it because it doesn’t happen very often.

Another day and more waves here in Nicaragua! Our swell has dropped a little since yesterday but there are still some inconsistent, overhead sets and lots of barrels! The water dropped a couple of degrees last night and it’s a bit chilly. Check out this guy, staying warm and dry inside the tube.