Tony Z was the ripper today. He was on fire taking the best waves and killing the barrels.

Check it out here Tony Z in the green room. Check some of the twenty shot consecutive in this sequence.

Here is Tony in the perfect spot of this line. He have two really clean tube like this one.

YEAH!!!!. Tony. You are in the surf report today. He is Always asking when he will be in the report and today you are the surf star.

ZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!! Was riding good this wave all the way. Check here how he keep in the barrel with good style.

And Oscar????. Oscar continue making airs in every wave.

Lester, Oscar brother’s is flying too. They together keep the line up ( The air space) very busy.

Here is Peter Kerson in a tube. The last few days Peter is having minimum a tube per day, will see for how long you keep without breaking the récord.

Well, Tony Z have the best waves and my buddy D-lite have( &^&%(!(!)@) session. Here it is expressing his feeling.

What do you think happened? Good barrels?????

Well, he don’t want to say nothing, but an hour later the surfboard was in the beach and D-lite was sit down in the bar.

Mr. James Koachar take some waves really long. He was riding this wave for ever. He was close to the Costa Rican border.

Some new faces in the line up today. Here is a visitor ripping in the short break.

Ok. Mis amigos. The surf looks the same for the next three days. So keep enjoying the surf condition and wait for the good waves coming in the end of this week. Armando Lopez is out.

Hello Tuesday and thanks for tuning back in for daily surf report. We had a slightly smaller but still a lot of fun surf today. @tonyzphotos bringing you the goods.

It is a beautiful Sunday in this beach. Check how look the afternoon, when the tide have four hours going up. The water is warm and clear, the cloud cover all the sky. May be a nice sunset tonight.

Hola amigos, the waves got smaller today, super fun to take the big boards out and your funshape boards. Waist to chest high waves on the bigger sets, winds were already on even early in the morning, we had some rain but the water was nice and warm. Check it out!!!

We made it down to the beach super early this morning to bring you all the action straight to your computers folks. The waves were running about head high to over head on the bigger sets, winds were a little strong but we are not complaining about it and the lineup was pretty light. Check..