I just had dinner and I’m stuffed! I’m barely writing this lines because my belly is so full and happy that it’s hard to be sitting, I just want to be laying down!

The guys from Surfari Charters invited us (actually we invited ourselves, my wife, my kids and me) to their dinner and it was so much fun,,, and so much food!

There were a bunch of kids running around, fighting and playing and just being kids… sooner of later all of them will be like this kids, getting pupshed into the waves by us parents or one of the many uncles (close friends) that live in the area.

Hopefully the next generation of Nicaraguan surfers, enjoying the beautiful daily conditions we have here in Nicaragua.

Our friend Josh getting some waves before he gets some turkey.

This girl spent a few minutes at the beach deciding what was the best spot to paddle out… an hour ago I felt almost the same trying to figure out about what was the best way to go for seconds (and thirds) at dinner.

Of course, I picked the ham and the turkey… which at Santana it’s like going for First peak.

The turkey gets all the atenttion for this celebration but… what is Thanksgiving without Desserts??

My wife Sarah made a Pecan Pie and a Pumpkin Pie… it’s like having the best barrel one spoon at a time!

Bet the best part of Thanksgiving, no doubt about it, it is to be surrounded by close friends and family.

Life is beautiful, the waves are beautiful, family and friends are awesome, please be thankful about what you have, and be thanksful about what WE have here in Nicaragua. Ofshore winds and amazing waves year round.

It’s time for me to loosne up my boardshorts, drink some water and go to sleep.Come back tomorrow to enjoy some turkey sandwiches and some little waves. Buenas noches!

Hello Tuesday and thanks for tuning back in for daily surf report. We had a slightly smaller but still a lot of fun surf today. @tonyzphotos bringing you the goods.

Hey everybody and welcome to the NSR report! This is Parker logging in to you show you Humpday’s morning action. Check out the shots!