Waves were super fun this afternoon and lots of people showed out to the beach. It was running about chest to shoulder high on sets and the wind was nice offshore until the rain came and got stronger. Check it out!!!

A couple cutes ladies made it out to get wet. Tipical shot at Playa Maderas, beautiful chick getting ready to paddle out with nice background and foreground.

Lefts and rights were coming all over the place but it looks like the lefts got more power for some reason, so everybody was going left. Felipe, with a nice frontside turn right in front of the camera.

Local gringos know how to rips too. Check out Randy “El Bambino” with a man fan spray. That’s a nice hack dude!

I guess everybody feels bad when somebody is been snaked, but I guess it is even worst when a girl is snaked. So, sorry Pinguinita!!!

The lineup was a little crowded but there were still a few fun waves rolling in with no takers. What a shame!

Chulin picking up one of the cleaner waves of the day. He was trying to do some radical maneuvers but he never pull one off. Never give up buddy, that’s all we can say!

Did we mention that cats and dogs were falling in the middle of the day? The rain didn’t stop anybody but the waves got smaller. This La Gaviota Chamorro on the last shot of the day. We hope to catch some fun ones tomorrow as well, so make sure to check us back out.

Hello Tuesday and thanks for tuning back in for daily surf report. We had a slightly smaller but still a lot of fun surf today. @tonyzphotos bringing you the goods.

It’s that time of year again – time for the 2nd annual Mango Opening Season BASH! If you were here last year you know how crazy and fun this party was. We know Chica Brava can hardly remember! This year promises to be even more LOCO with great food, big drinks and some insane games. ..