Nicaragua Surf Report for Thursday, December 08, 2022

Hey everyone out here today at Panga Drops taking these pic low tide going up and Colorado is sure looking small but Pangas is great time to get out there and practice and get out there with the long boards

Also a great time to get out there as a kid and practice in the white wash. Look at him go!!!

Nice long waves a little slow but like i said with a long board you can have lots of fun out there and since there was only around a douzen people out in the water everyone gets some waves. YAY!

and a great time to practice pumping on those waves catching the better part of the wave.

This girl was out there taking so many waves and having a great time!

I am sure he was thinking how low can you go ;)

Some fun waves out there like i said a little slow but when you catch the right part of it its just funtime

Look at that beauty.

Nice turn Jack always out there having a great time in the water.

Alright everyone it has been a great day for learning so i am going to get out there and have some fun with all the people out there right now so see you in the next one. Have a great rest of your day :) (What a great activity for couples how cute)