Look at that big smile on Alvaro’s face as he negotiates his way through the barrel stalling to capture every moment of shacked up bliss.

Going back to back with one of your buddies in the lineup has got to be one of the funnest things in the world am I right!? I think Lening here would agree!

How about a party wave with some birds?? Optical illusion it looks like this guy could just reach out and pluck that bird out of flight.

Rob on a cruise-y line down the face of this one, the water is getting a little bit chilly if you’re a local but it is still just as warm as San Diego water in the summer so not really cold.. that wind hitting ya is what makes it feel a bit nippy though.

Most just wear a 1 mil top and are fine, if you’re paddling around and keeping busy it isn’t bad but if you’re going for the 2-3 hour session yeah a top does the trick.

It was a bit gloomy this morning when I first got out there and it was a little bit drizzly but the clouds started to clear out and the sun started shining down and it has turned into another beautiful warm sunny day.

Wes enjoying some of the morning action out there sharing waves with the 10-15 people that were out in the lineup. What a life!!

Waaapaaaahhh yeah Yuji bro laying it down out there.. Not sure if school is on break or if this is a ditch day dudey session but either way looks like he’s having a blast out there. Yeah bro!!

K9 lifeguard on duty today!! Hahah but seriously you can find Lyca down here at the beach most days patrolling the sand around the beach club and vibing with anybody who wants to give her a good petting and rub on the belly. I’m glad you had a chance to check on your friends down here on the Emerald Coast of Nica and we look forward to bringing you a fresh batch of photos for tomorrow’s viewing pleasure. Until then I say go out and have some fun in the sun, hopefully there are waves near you and you can get a chace to go for a surf as well. Cheers

Hello Tuesday and thanks for tuning back in for daily surf report. We had a slightly smaller but still a lot of fun surf today. @tonyzphotos bringing you the goods.

First peak was throwing some really nice wedges, still kind of small for the big barrels to appear but a great practice run for those steep take-offs.