This is Mariel from Holland, she was charging on the longboard today. Hey Mariel, check you out you made it on NSR.

Machete pt was kind of fun for longboards today, but nobody was out.

We didn’t have any local in the water today, I think they are still celebrating

This is what we do on NAVIDAD: We make some kids really happy, we gave them around 250 toys. They were so happy.

TODAY’S SPANISH CLASS: Esta chica si esta muy feliz, este es su primer jugute por que sus padres no pueden comprar uno para ella. This chick is so happy, this is her first toy because her fathers can’t buy her one.

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Merry Christmas from NSR! We hope that everybody has a safe and happy holiday season and gets plenty of giant, bone-crushing surf. Since it’s been pretty small in Nicaragua, we decided to hook up with Tenderfoot and Hot Carl in Southern California for last week’s big west swell. The trip didn’t disappoint. Notice the look..