This nice guy, who paddled out right as I showed up to shoot, put on a great show in the lineup today. Proper ripper.
I don’t think he counter-rotated even one time during the entirety of my time shooting. Solid mechanics are a pre-requisite to solid surfing.
To continue our trend of good mechanics, Johnny boy was out on the Ricky Carroll dropping the hammer like usual.
One of the few French Fry runners from today. Nice, ginger rail-work being executed to retain speed.
Another good unknown surfer chucking some buckets.
He even chucked the only air of the session.
I don’t get jealous of most people’s boards (they usually look wacky), but I gotta admit this guy’s board looks super fun. Look at how well it assists him in carrying speed across fat sections.
He created his own force-field shield of spray here.
Hey! He even found a little tube section on the inside section of this left.
BAM! Dang amigos, we had quite the talented crew of shredders out there today. I always enjoy a light crowd of strong surfers as it inspires you to take similar lines to them during the session. The wind looks like it will be even a hair lighter tomorrow and a little kick in the swell, so I expect to be bring y’all some more shred-tastic content. Take it easy guys.
Happy Sunday everyone! Welcome to this evening’s surf report from Panga Drops. The wind puffed pretty hard again today and the new swell isn’t here yet. There were still a few decent windows though.
Hola mis amigos! Made it down for the beautiful sunset golden hour session. Super mega high tide, waves were practically rolling all the way in and breaking on the shore. Check it out!