Timmy on a bomb set wave!

Mystery Barrel Surfer

Mystery Barrel Surfer #2

Kevin looking like he’s on the lookout for an air section

This kid was catching some waves in the whitewater.. if he keeps at it maybe he’ll be the one in the background some day getting shacked up

Lots of waves and lots of current in the water. Thank you to the Beach Patrol out in full force to ensure the safety of all the beachgoers, if you’re going out for a surf try and keep an eye out for anyone who may be in trouble as surfers we are often times the first ones on the scene when something is happening so be alert and give a shout out to the lifeguards. If you got some drinks or snacks they are down there in the heat all day so that’s always appreciated. Thank you Beach Patrol! Okay friends I’ll be back tomorrow for some more highlights, have a great day!

Hey amigos! Josh back behind the lens for the next few days. Welcome to Wednesday’s surf report from Panga Drops. It was windier than called for today, but there were still a few decent. waves.

Howdy friends and happy Hump Day! Well there were certainly some humps and bumps out there today….. come on in and checkity check it!!! (Spoiler alert…. it’s a juicy report with lots pf good content so pull up a chair and get comfy)!