Nicaragua Surf Report for Saturday, July 13, 2024

Josh S

Hi everyone! Welcome to Saturday’s surf report from Colorados. The waves were the smallest we’ve had in probably a month, but it was still super clean.

Josh S

There was one trio (a father and two sons I believe) of surfers out. However, this little guy in the black and blue top stole and owned the spotlight today.

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The little dude was short, light, and springy. The perfect combo for today’s small low-tide waves.

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I don’t know how old he is, but I was very impressed with his timing and decisions regarding his lines and maneuvers on the waves.

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I don’t think a single set slipped underneath this little man’s radar. No section was safe from getting smacked.

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Lift-off and rotate time!

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Ready for the elevator drop little man? Haha

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Pops (presumably) working some stylish s-pumps in on this crispy clean racer.

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See the section and line then…

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Josh S

To close the report I want to showcase a high-quality roundhouse from the little dude.

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This is what good mechanics look like. Got his heel-side rail engaged just right while compressed and with a little back foot pressure. His line of sight and trailing arm are set too. But pay special attention to how he has dropped his lead hand to use as a pivot point. Perfect method of preparing to rotate through a roundhouse cutback.

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To complete the move he simply drove his line of sight, shoulders and hips through the turn to catch up to his open and set lead hand.

Josh S

The waves were small, but it was a beautiful day on the beach by all other metrics! Enjoy the weather and Mr. Tony Z returns tomorrow to bring us some more small wave action.