We had people pretty much from all over the world. This is Erin from Cal riding a nice little nugget. She was so stoked to ride this wave so please let her know that she is on NSR.

We also had a few paddle boarders having a good time our there. They are from Honolulu, so they usually surf big waves. This is one of them making a nose ride on a nice looking left.

Now we have Chris representing the crew from Australia about to smack the lip of this wave. This guy was ripping today.

Chewy is so happy because his brother came down for a visit. This is the first time we met him. Who do you think has more hair?

This is Dave with a cool backside turn. This guy was taking plenty of fun waves the whole session.

The lineup was a little bit crowded but everybody was mellow. We had longboarders, people doing paddle boarding, girls doing shortboards and this guy doing the best to have fun on his knee board. Everybody is more than welcome to enjoy our waves so come over and have a good time with us.

Pancho Sanchez took his big board out-we are talking about a 8’6” Rusty Board. He was ripping on that thing today. Check him out with a killer floater on one the better set waves of the day.

On the last shot of the day we have Chewy with a cool turn at Machete pt. The waves are supposed to be about the same size for the next few days so waxes your big board and we’ll see you guys in the water.

Hey amigos! Josh back behind the lens for the next few days. Welcome to Wednesday’s surf report from Panga Drops. It was windier than called for today, but there were still a few decent. waves.

Hi everyone, this is Mateo “Guineo” and Jairo “Come Pan” bringing you the Thursday surf report. The swell dropped off a bit, but it was still fun. The waves were running about chest to shoulder high with the occasional bigger set and the wind was offshore. Check it out!

Hi and welcome to the last surf report of the month, we have a new swell in the water and a lot of people too. It’s head high to overhead on sets and still building, the wind is offshore and everybody is enjoying in Nicaragua. Check out the lineup.

From Rio Nexpa, Mx – we blazed a trail from Pascuales yesterday afternoon and made it to Nexpa. If you’ve never done that drive, I recommend it. Think the 1 in CA, except that it’s a lush tropical setting with palm trees, cliffs plunging hundreds of feet into warm, blue water and white sand beach..