Nicaragua Surf Report for Saturday, December 29, 2018

Brian Scott

Happy Saturday all you fine people! Brian, checking in with my last surf report!!! It was GREAT serving you all with my photos and hopefully entertaining captions.. I hope you enjoyed!!!

Brian Scott

GOTCHA!!!!! LOL - Brian, checking in here with my last surf report for 2018! Just checking to see who reads and pays attention to the introductions! Hey, who doesn’t like misty, almost empty A-Frames??? Well that’s what was up for grabs today if you made it down to the playa.

Brian Scott

Roger on a signature backlit green gem of a left at the Drops!

Brian Scott

Alberto on a signature backlit green gem of a right at the Drops! See this wave favors both parties of the stance persuasion equally fair.

Brian Scott

Life imitating a really big bird!

Brian Scott

You need to have A LOT of speed to float a big section like that. But not to worry, Jeison is one of the guys to do such a thing.

Brian Scott

Hayden should be sponsored by Hayden shaped surfboards. I think it’s only fair. That and he’s been absolutely ripping!!

Brian Scott

Not sure who this young whipper snapper is, but he was doing some pretty good damage to these wind swept waves as well.

Brian Scott

“Your very first wave ever ridden”.

Every single one of your reading this, (if you’re a surfer of course) has shared at some point in time, this very special moment. This lucky little niñas moment came at exactly 4:41 PM today. Good luck little lady! The world awaits you with open waves!

Brian Scott

Learning to walk before running (even though it’s not exactly the case), I guess is the only way to compare the begging of surfing versus doing moves like this; but I suppose we are all kind of walking on water when you think about it.

Brian Scott

Eric, going straight from chasing down monster waves off the West Coast way up North recently, to now cruising on the “Guacamole” green-machine fun board, literally means he’s living the life a true surfer following perfect waves.

Brian Scott

The complete opposite of Todos Santos in fear factor scales, but the stoke factor is all the same.

Brian Scott

Maycol working on his inner, or in this case “outer” Karate Kid!

Brian Scott

Hows your blow tail game? This guys’ is pretty Freaking legit!

Brian Scott

A post Feliz Navidad shaka and a very warm Nica-Style early Feliz año nuevo, from yours truly!~

Brian Scott

Cesar getting an absolute beauty out the back.

Brian Scott

and connecting all the way to the inside for another beautiful turn.

Brian Scott

Really, how late is it to surf… I guess it all depends on your night vision?

Brian Scott

You still have a couple more days left until Jan 1st. So take advantage of 50% OFF selected items (Swimsuits, sandals, sunglasses, sunscreen, tanks, t-shirts, jerseys, dresses, pants, rashguards, souvenirs and more...) Yes, +10 days SALE of some of your favourite brands such as NSR, Billabong, Havaianas, Cenote and more!!! Now is the perfect time to pick up something for yourself, Secret Santa, White Elephant or Christmas gifts. Hurry up! Arrive early for the best selection and come before everything is gone..!

Brian Scott

The janitor is clocking out!!!

I hope I got your hearts going with my fun little introduction caption jkoke, but in all seriousness, it’s been a fantastic year and I’m glad to have been able to share my visions with you for all of 2018. I look forward to seeing you all back here again in 2019!!! Cheers & thanks for always checking out the surf reports! Yewwww SBS is out until next year ~
