Nicaragua Surf Report for Friday, August 11, 2023

Josh S

Hola a todos! Welcome to the Friday Surf Report coming your way mostly from Panga Drops. The surf was definitely a bit mellower today, but Pangas held true to its reputation as old faithful. 

Josh S

Alrighty! Now to Pangas’ action! This gentleman got a nice backhand clap in.

Josh S

Although today’s report is from Panga Drops, I briefly glanced at Colorados first. This guy was the only dude to catch a decent wave during my 10 minutes there.

Josh S

Here he is on the inside section showing his flexibility. Pangas is a gentle wave, so he did well to snap through this turn even though the end-section was soft.

Josh S

This guy in the white shirt won today’s surf report heat. His sequence of rotation during his turns were textbook!

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I forgot that the prior photo wasn’t even the last section XD That’s how Pangas is though. If you get the right wave you can take it all the way in.

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Another man in white! These guys were on a tear today. Working on his JJF turns!

Josh S

Soul arch for the win! This is usually my experience with Pangas. Wonky sections lead to wonky moves haha.

Josh S

BAAMM! Backside hack. Turn of the day right here. Max points for critical nature of the maneuver.

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And a nice rooster tail from him to seal the deal on this right.

Josh S

I think this guy is working on displaying maximum water, so that he can dowse his buddies when they are paddling back out next time :)

Josh S

Today’s surfers were way more dialed in than yesterday. I saw very few sets go unridden.

Josh S

Mr. White shirt putting on a clinic for us viewers at home! He’s on the sweet spot of his heel-side rail and is pivoting off of his open lead palm. Perfect roundhouse.

Josh S

Weight on the back foot? Famous last words at Pangas XD Back-footed turns are always dicey at Pangas as you wipe off so much speed on a very soft wave face.

Josh S

Get out there for some sunset snaps fellas! It was funny, as I was leaving from shooting this evening I saw a mass migration of surfers from all directions making their way to Pangas’ beach access to get their sunset fill in. Not today Colorados, but probably next week… Well guys tomorrow looks like it should be a bit bigger than today, so we’ll see what the swell brings. Thanks for checking in and have a good Friday.